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Dodging a Bullet

by Alan Fox 0 Comments
Dodging a Bullet

“You dodged a bullet,” my doctor said as he looked at the blood stains and bruises on the right side of my face.

In a parking lot late last Thursday, I had tripped over a speed bump. Fortunately, my face broke my fall.

A number of concerned bystanders immediately coalesced around me, and the fire department medics arrived within minutes. They provided emergency care, but strongly recommended that Daveen immediately take me to a Level One trauma center for evaluation. Their concern was internal bleeding that could result in a serious problem.

So off we drove to the UCLA Hospital emergency room. As Proust wrote, “We listen to pleasure. We obey pain.”  Any other plans for our evening simply vanished.

Even though many patients were still waiting their turn, UCLA admitted me for a CAT scan right away. The result?  No internal bleeding.

We waited to see an actual doctor, but after three hours, at eleven pm, they said it would be another six hours before a doctor would be available.

So Daveen drove me home.

First, I assure you that even though my eye and forehead still look a little bit bloody — all right, more than a little — there was apparently no real damage. I guess it pays to be hard-headed

For years I’ve been reminding others, especially “older” others, not to fall. Apparently, I had been talking more than I had been listening to my own advice.

So beware of speed bumps in parking lots. They can really slow you down. I was fortunate. Others have broken bones and ended up in the hospital for days, or worse.

But I will add that there are a lot of strangers around us who are ready to help in an emergency. And it’s reassuring to know that despite all our differences, there are many kind, helpful people in this world.



The Shortest Distance

by Alan Fox 1 Comment
The Shortest Distance

This morning I walked directly from my bedroom to the kitchen, started the heat under the frying pan, put a slice of bread in the toaster, took one egg and one slice of Canadian Bacon from the refrigerator, and cooked my breakfast. Then I ate it. Start to finish? Nine minutes.

Success in life is partly based upon your personal efficiency. For example, if you’re driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, you will likely not travel by way of Seattle because Seattle is out of your way.

All of this is obvious.

I suggest you think deeply about your own personal efficiency, because the more thought you put into how you use your time the more enjoyment you might have time for in life.

I hope I’ve made my point, because I’m being efficient today, so I’m moving on to my next project – having lunch with my son, Craig – something I very much enjoy.




by Alan Fox 3 Comments

I don’t know what you were doing last Saturday morning, but I was busy singing “I’m getting married in the morning” from the musical My Fair Lady.  To be more accurate, I was getting remarried. But now that we have celebrated that happy occasion with family and friends, I can, with a smile, still hum the catchy tune in my head.

Daveen and I were first wed to each other in 1981.  We spent a number of years apart before deciding to try again. Since then, we’ve been happily living together for the past six years.

The wedding was at an outdoor venue, so thank goodness the local weather cooperated, and the heat wave gave us a beautiful respite for the day. I wore the same coat and top hat that I’d worn at our first wedding more than 40 years ago. I’m happy to report that both my body and my head are the same size as they were then. (Though I do wonder how many people would keep a top hat in their closet for almost half a century).

Today Daveen and I enjoyed breakfast together at our favorite morning restaurant which brought back memories of the first time I asked Daveen to marry me. Her reply back then was, “I don’t cook.” Fortunately, that has never been a problem. As a child I learned that if I accompanied my mother to the grocery store, I could shop for and cook whatever food I wanted to eat –  not just the meals my mother made. I still do much of the grocery shopping. My specialty used to be cheese-filled blintzes. But now breakfast most mornings is one egg over easy, toast, and a slice of Canadian Bacon. While it might seem boring, it’s always satisfying and only takes me nine minutes to prepare and eat. (I’m very efficient when it comes to food.)

Today I’m back at my office, working with my team, who are great, and looking forward to married life again. I don’t think it will be much different, except for the added benefit of filing a joint income tax return.

I know.  I know. That doesn’t sound romantic. But what can you expect from a CPA who invests in real estate for a living?

So, I’m sorry, ladies, but I’m off the market. You’ll have to make do with one of the other three or four billion men on the planet.

And gentlemen, although I have the best wife in the world, I’m sure there are plenty of wonderful women still available. And you’ll have no competition from me.

Happy Tuesday to all.
